Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Looking Forward

Algonquin Peak, Mt Colden and Wallface in the distance
 With spring nearly on our door step, there are a number of things I look forward to.  The change in season brings new or old sounds and sights, depending on how you look at it.  Among the things I look forward to are more time with my girls outside on the playground or at a nearby park, new blossoms on the trees, kayaking, and especially fishing.  However, there is one thing I look forward to more than most things.  I usually make an annual trip to the Adirondacks for some camping, hiking and fishing.  More often than not, I make the trip alone.  My wife does not really have the desire to go on that kind of trip and the girls are still a bit too young, so Claudia is gracious enough to let me go for two days. 

West Branch Ausable River near Wilmington Notch
I usually begin planning for the trip 2-3 months in advance by trying to select the camp site and trails that will allow me to hike and fish as much as possible.  Sometimes I cram too much into such a small time frame and think I should extend my trip but I miss all of my girls terribly for even the short time I'm there.  This year, I plan to camp at the Adirondack Lodge campground and fish the small streams that are close by. This will allow me to slow down and absorb it all and decompress a little.  There is nothing more therapeutic than time spent outdoors and I'm looking forward to it with great anticipation.



  1. This past winter beat us up. To get out and walk a stream or woods trail is very welcomed.
