Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Micro Fishing

Silverside in small photobox
Last Saturday morning I took a walk down to the creek to do a little snapper fishing and just kick back and take it all in.  The day was bright and beautiful but the brisk wind was letting me know that fly fishing for snappers might be out of the question.  Sure enough after several ridiculous casts I officially came to that conclusion.  Not wanting to  waste a trip down to the water I decided to reach into my bag and try something a little unorthodox.  A year or two ago I purchased a Diawa Soyokaze (~7 ft) from Chris Stewart with the intention of using it for wild brook trout on "thin blue lines".  I had been following through various forums and websites, including Chris', about a type of fishing known as Tanago fishing and micro fishing. So I figured the Soyokaze would be useful for that as well if I decided to try me hand at it. Micro fishing is not about the size of the fish but the challenge.  In addition, many micro anglers, pursue "life lists" of these small and often unnoticed fish.  I can already hear the "WTF?" from some who may read this but I tell you catching these little fish on such a small hook is not as easy as it looks.  Would I rather catch a 30lb striped bass or a beautiful little wild brook trout? Sure I would but this was just a nice diversion on a day when I could not cast a fly to something larger.  After a number of attempts at just getting my bait onto such a small hook I managed to get my line into a small section of water that was not being abused by the wind.  I can tell you those little buggers were fast.  The Soyokaze is very sensitive and I could feel every bump but the reaction time required to hook these small fish had to be lighting quick.  I can understand challenge and appeal to this kind of fishing.  For my effort I managed a few silversides.  Silversides are small fish (3-4") that are common in tidal estuaries and are a major source of food for larger predators like bluefish and herons.  Will most anglers drop their gear in favor of feeling a tiny tug and a fight that is over really before it starts?  I doubt it but like many other things in nature their is enjoyment and knowledge to be gained by taking the time to observe ALL of what is around you whether it be big or small.


  1. A gray Gartside Soft hackle in living colors.
    It's not the fish, it's the act of angling that we seek.

    1. Amen Brk Trt....I think that's why we seek thin blue lines and the little jewels that they hold. Size is not important, though it's a plus when they are large.
