Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Request....The McGee Lime Kebari

McGee Lime Kebari
Recently, I received a request (via Chris Stewart) for one of my flies to be tied a little differently.  The Royal Sakasa Kebari is my all time favorite sakasa kebari experiment. I have tied more of these than any other fly and my fly box is never without a 1/2 dozen of them.  But one of Chris's customers asked if I could tie a dozen in the image of a Tennessee Wulff.  For those who may not be familiar with this version of a Wulff it is virtually the same as a Royal Wulff except that the red silk band is replaced with a band of lime or chartreuse thread. I'm very happy with the look of the fly and can't wait to try out the few extra that I tied for my self.  For those interested I'm posting the recipe below.

McGee Lime Kebari

Hook: Mustad C49S, scud hook, size 12
Hackle: Hungarian partridge, color grey
Thread: Uni-thread 6/0, color black
Body: peacock herl, with central band of Uni-Thread 6/0, color chartreuse


  1. Looks great, really like the color combination of this variant. I'm sure it will do well for both you and the customer.

  2. Thanks Mike! After I tied it I instantly fell in love with it. I'm looking forward to trying it soon and hearing how others do with it.

    1. I just tied my own variant. Used hot pink instead of lime green. I might try it, or maybe it will find its way to Lilly - either way, fun tie.

    2. That sounds like a great version too. I actually plan on also doing a variant using a glass bead for the hot spot this weekend. I'll post pictures when I get ta chance.

    3. I tried the pink variant SLAYED fish. No joke. You'll be getting full credit in an upcoming post.

  3. I can tell you the lime green band on a royal Wulff works great for Adriondack brookies so I have no doubt that you will have similar results with yours.

  4. I've tied that pattern,Tenn. Wulff and it worked well. Your Kebari should do the same.

  5. Thanks Guys!...Just say the word and I can send you a few if you want to give them a try.

  6. I LIKE! Thanks to that Troutragouse dude for sharing it! I am going to do one with yellow floss!
