Hurricane Sandy Oct 28th 2012 |
First and foremost I would like to say thank you to a number of fellow anglers and bloggers who sent me e-mails wanting to know how my family and I made out following the mess that Sandy left behind. In a nutshell we were not as fortunate as some but better off than most. We were with out power for almost nine days and had to put up with some cold nights and long gas lines but things are slowly coming back to normal. Without power it took a few days to learn how bad it was for many people across the tri-state area and beyond. After seeing some of that I didn't feel so bad about our situation because we still had a roof over our heads. No electricity also has some benefits. I learned my six year old is a ruthless UNO player and talks a great deal of smack while playing. I also managed to get time to make some
horsehair fly lines that I have been trying to find time to make. In the end, just like Irene last year, for a time we lost power and our modern comforts. However, like any other bump in the road of our lives we clean up the mess, move on, and try to return to the routine of or hectic lives. I only ask that we keep, in our thoughts and prayers, those who we're not so fortunate and continue to struggle getting back to some sense of normalcy.