McGee Lime Kebari |
Recently, I received a request (via Chris Stewart) for one of my flies to be tied a little differently. The Royal Sakasa Kebari is my all time favorite sakasa kebari experiment. I have tied more of these than any other fly and my fly box is never without a 1/2 dozen of them. But one of Chris's customers asked if I could tie a dozen in the image of a Tennessee Wulff. For those who may not be familiar with this version of a Wulff it is virtually the same as a Royal Wulff except that the red silk band is replaced with a band of lime or chartreuse thread. I'm very happy with the look of the fly and can't wait to try out the few extra that I tied for my self. For those interested I'm posting the recipe below.
McGee Lime Kebari
Hook: Mustad C49S, scud hook, size 12
Hackle: Hungarian partridge, color grey
Thread: Uni-thread 6/0, color black
Body: peacock herl, with central band of Uni-Thread 6/0, color chartreuse