A Tenkara Survival Kit |
I'm kind of an organizational neat freak. Always have been, always will be. I love to find ways to make small compact kits for any purpose such as survival, first aid, hobbies, etc. My ideal container for constructing these kits are Altoids tins of various shapes and sizes. In addition, I sometimes like to use old camera or eyeglass cases. The main requirements for whatever kind of kit I may be making is that it has to be functional, small, and portable. One of the last kits I made was a portable fly tying kit from an Altoids tin that would allow me to tie sakasa kebari and other flies where ever I might find myself. One of tenkara's main appealing characteristics is it's simplicity. In keeping with this mode thinking I decided I wanted to come up with the smallest and simplest tenkara fishing kit possible that would allow an angler to have everything needed for an afternoon out on the water. It would be a "survival kit" of sorts.

After some consideration the kit pictured above is what I came up with. I originally wanted to use a Altoids tin but I couldn't quite get the necessary components to fit right without a lot of modification or constructing new parts to fit them into the tin. I happened upon the red case above at some office supply store the other day and thought it would be handy. It's slightly larger than an Altoids tin but would still easily fit into a pocket. I can also fit in all the necessary components for a day of tenkara fishing. These components would include a spool of 5x tippet, a pair of nippers for cutting line, a small Altoids tin for holding 12-20 flies, and another old tippet spool to hold my tenkara level line.

Normally, I use a BW sports bag that my wife got for me for all of my tenkara needs. I will still use this bag because it holds more flies, fly lines, hemostat, and many other things I always use. But in a pinch I can have this kit with me anywhere any time, as long as I have a rod with me.
Size comparison between BW sports bag that I normally use and my new Tenkara Survival Kit |
Side profile of the two kits |
Over the last couple of years I have seen some interesting ideas, in terms of simplifying tenkara gear for a day out on the stream. This is my contribution and I hope some other anglers out there may find this useful. Even if it's not adopted by many I like the "challenge" of making such little kits and am sure it will come in handy some day.