My contribution to the Tenkara-Fisher fly swap....The Green Hornet |
Back around Christmas time Mike from
Troutrageous.com gave me a heads up to a fly swap going on over at the
Tenkara-Fisher forum. It has been a while since I last participated in a fly swap and figured it was a good time to throw my hat into the ring for one. The theme for this swap was "original flies" or flies that a tier has adapted or developed themselves. My contribution was the Green Hornet....a sakasa kebari that includes Krystal Flash in with the hackle for a little extra sparkle. Like many other swaps I have participated in some very cool flies were tied and exchanged.
Adam Trahan |
Anthony Naples |
Craigthor |
Gentle Shepard |
Mike Agneta A.K.A. "Troutrageous" |
I can't see a single one of these flies having a problem catching fish. All were tied extremely well. For the swap two flies were required from each tier, one to fish and one to keep if that's what the recipient wanted to do. However, Craig went above the call of duty and produced the same fly in sizes 6 through 16 for everyone. But I think the coolest thing I got out of the swap wasn't even a fly.
Anthony Naples art work |
Anthony Naples, the host for the swap, supplied some of his own artwork. Anthony drew pictures of all the fly tiers flies and sent them out with their flies. I think this is one of the best "free bees" I have ever received from a swap and can easily see this art work and my fly hanging in a frame on the wall. Overall this was another great swap I have yet more flies from fellow anglers to add to my collection and fish with. My hats off to the guys for some great flies and my thanks go out to Anthony for his gift and hosting this swap and Mike for letting me know about it.