The Bucktail Kebari |
It's been a while between posts and fly tying experiments so I decided it was time to rectify both at the same time. A few weeks ago I came across an article in the June/July issue of
Fly Fisherman that utilized bucktail in the construction of fly bodies. I have always liked using bucktail hair in flies and look for any chance to do so. The article instructs the tier to make a "rope" with about 6 bucktail fibers and the tying thread and then use this to wrap the body. The great thing about this technique is that bucktail is fairly easy to work with and comes in a great variety of colors, allowing you to mix and match fibers to create whatever color body you desire. The fly above was my first attempt at incorporating this kind of body into a sakasa kebari. I like the way it looks with it's segmented appearance. It reminds me of a fly tied by Jason Klass of "Tenkaratalk". Jason's fly utilized camel hair and is twisted to give a similar look.
A closer look at the body |
In this case I used a mixture of brown and white bucktail fibers. In the future I plan to play with color combinations to see what kind of unique looks can be created. For anyone interested the recipe is below.
Bucktail Kebari
Hook: Mustad C49S, size 10
Thread: Pearsall's gossamer silk thread, color olive
Hackle: Hungarian partridge
Collar: peacock herl
Body: bucktail fibers, 6 fibers, a mixture of brown and white